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DACHSER Spain has GDP compliance certification

  • Reference to DACHSER quality control system.
DACHSER Spain ASL recently obtained GDP (Good Practice Distribution) certification for its quality management system in its offices in Madrid and Barcelona, which verifies that life sciences and healthcare shipments are managed at Dachser in accordance with the EU regulations.


MasterD is the leading educational group in Open Training in Spain with a team of more than 1,000 professionals and more than 95,000 students per year. Since its creation in 1994, MasterD has helped thousands of students achieve their goal: access the job market. This has been possible thanks, on the one hand, to its innovative preparation system, based on a flexible but demanding methodology and, on the other hand, to its extraordinary team of professionals.

Ana Zuazo

Ana Zuazo is a specialist in social networks, she was a pioneer in managing events with influencers and bloggers and has the title of Marketing Management from the Center for Commercial Studies (CECO).

Halmma: A Place of Serenity in the Heart of Madrid

  • Halma interior, light and shadows.
Halmma represents an innovative evolution in the world of wellness centers, conceived by the renowned Hammam Al Ándalus group. In this unique space, water is not just an element, but the very essence that nourishes and inspires every aspect of the project.


The family company Fercam, based in the Italian city of Bolzano (Tyrol del Sur), generated in 2022 a sales volume of 1,128 million euros. This transport and logistics company has representation in 21 countries thanks to its own delegations and a dense network of partners around the world.